Tuesday 9 June 2015

When the World Sees Her!

More Black female Rolemodels - We need them!

This is yet another attempt at conscious poetry. The poem goes out to all females who are women of color and struggle against the strong tide of cruel hate (rasicm) that threatens to suffocate and strangle the brave fighters who dare stand against it.

When the World Sees a Black Woman

When the world sees a black woman rising
Young and beautiful and shining like the sun
They get scared
They are afraid
The only way they know how to deal with it
Is to throw their turds of toxic, putrid hate at her

But the hate never reaches her
She never feels it
Somehow an enigmatic shield envelops her
Against an invisible force field
the hate ricochets
returning to the source without ever touching her

What is this force field?
What is this invisible shield that protects her so divinely
It comes from the generous adoring souls who see her in all her beauty

For her resilience and her brilliance
They see her ingenuity
The sacrifice she has made for the next generation
Little black girls 5, 6, 7 years of age look to her with eyes full of love
With eyes filled with tears and hope but yes most of all love

And it is this love that forms her invisible shield.

The poem speaks for itself but I'd still like to add these irresistible gems to drive the point home. Check out these tweets I snagged from twitter in relation to one of my favorite actresses - Candice Patton. Simply by portraying Iris West in "The Flash", she manages to inspire and influence a younger generation.