Hey there! I haven't posted in a while and I must confess that my blog was started because of a class project. But I've enjoyed it so much that I've decided to continue. So after a small hiatus, I'm back and ready to roll again. Hope you all had a great Christmas by the way. Mines was great!
Have you ever found yourself envying other people to the point where it actually made you totally miserable? The neighbors, friends, celebrities, even family members all seemed to have something I wanted but didn't have. Whether it was the perfect body, the perfect height, the perfect job, a good looking man, money, popularity. I've found myself in that position lately and it was getting to a point where I began to feel really bitter. Everywhere I turned someone seemed to be flaunting something...something I couldn't have. Urrgh!
Case in point my sister bought a brand new Macbook Pro recently and while we were on a Skype call with her, she pulled it out as a surprise. I wanted to die, especially when she said the capacity was 500GB. I looked at my old macbook laptop that I've had since 2010 with its 250GB (the white one that I got when snow leopard was the new OS). I've been dreaming of the new Macbook Pro with all its new features and capabilities and trying to save up for it for what seems like forever. To make matters worse my brother kept calling out and identifying all the new features as he looked it up on the internet. I repeat, I wanted to die. I really need it too...being a graphic designer it's an ideal piece of equipment for my line of work. She's not even a graphic designer, she's an accountant. Why does she have the good stuff??? WHYYYYYYYYY????
Maybe I'm being a little over dramatic but this is how its been for me for a while now. Always seeing other people with things i'd like to have or even things I feel more entitled to and suffering those pangs of envy that can eventually drive one insane if they allow it. Lucky for me I found an escape route away from this vicious, ongoing cycle. I tend to over think things a lot and sometimes it has a way of working in my favour. As I sat thinking about my battles with envy it occurred to me that there are many people in this world who are destitute and without even basic necessities. For every one person who made me bitter because of what they possessed, there were probable 20 people who didn't have half the things I possessed like a good education, a roof over my head, clean drinking water, a loving family.
The thought made me feel extremely grateful for what I had in my life but the more I thought about it I felt ashamed too. Here I was envying others for what I believed I was entitled to when there were people out there who were in need of things I took for granted. I knew right then that I wanted to help the unfortunate in some way. If I did something to help them I believed it would definitely take my mind off of envying others and at the same time perhaps bring fulfillment that would remove all bitterness and replace it with a healthier outlook on my life.

current situation, I want to use my talents and skills to make the lives of others better, particularly those who are destitute for even the most basic necessities of life. Throwing out the envy and instead using what I HAVE to help others. As time goes by I'll give updates on how I progress with this and hopefully you may feel inspired to do the same. So happy New Year to you all and I hope you find a new year's resolution that you will meet with much success and that will bring you maximum satisfaction. New beginnings are always something to enjoy!!!